Thursday, February 11, 2016

49th Jaegers

The 49th Regiment was part of the 27th Division at Leipzig a tiny tiny division far under 50%
At just over 3000, The division was smaller then a full strength brigade.
It also only had 7 battalions instead of 12, With only one jaeger regiment that could claim to field two battalions.

Poor little division....

The battalion is 32 figures, which would be  640 soldiers. A lot bigger then the avrage of 440 soldiers that the division would have had. So all other battalions in the division will be the smaller 24 figure style.

 Figures are Perry plastic. Not that great really nothing like the perry made Foundry russians. 
But with a planed new car and wedding rings needing to be bought. This will be low cost.
I only need one more box to finish the jaegers. as One box and the 8 I have left from this box will let me make 2 24 figure battalions.
As jaegers don't have standard barers I added a perry metal mounted officer.
The green is foundry russian green A-C with highlights of foundry Forest Green A.
I painted one of the sharpshooters as a NCO and also one of the musketeers in there is one too.


  1. Color selection for the uniforms is excellent. I really like the darker shade and I think it looks more correct. The shading/layering on the flesh tones is excellent as well. Very nice unit.

  2. I agree and even this might be a little to light. as the Forset green A is quite a lot lighter then Russian Green C. But I feel it does give more detail and it's a very rich color so I like it.

  3. Beautiful units, great colors!

  4. Really nice work on these. I'd say they aren't suffering for the low cost at all!

  5. Hi Gunfreak,

    This is Ralph "Bowman" Krebs from Canada. Always nice to read your input on the Science board of TMP. I also really enjoy your blog and your painting. Nice to see the personal part of your life too. The hiking pictures look like something right out of Peer Gynt. Best wishes on 2016.

  6. Thanks, It's great to see people enjoy the blog, thats why I write it!
    i also enjoy your input on the science board. A place that at times seem to be a magnet for some very strange people.
