Friday, September 1, 2017

Regiment Poitou

Wow, a totally new unit less when two weeks since the last post, aren't you guys lucky.

I'm still working on WSS, with a new WSS only unit. a single battalion of Poitou. I plan on doing two French brigades from Blenheim. , One will have a mix of several regiments, and the other is the 3 battalion brigade of only La Reine. On top of that, I plan on doing a brigade of Bavarians.

 I try and keep my French as colorful as possible.
Keeping away from the gray faced regiments as much as possible.
 I'm quite happy with these, except the drummers, so naturally they are placed in the second rank.
The flags are the wonderful cloth flags from Maverick.

I've finished the 1st of 3 bases for the first battalion of La Reine regiment.
I'm also stripping my old French Front rank infantry and they'll become Bavarians.

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