Thursday, October 19, 2017

Artillerie à cheval

After I posted my last blog post I realized I had actually posted 5 posts in one month. It's a very long time since I've had that kinda blog productivity. Not only that but this was also the first time in a very long time I've posted 5 posts from the same period without any other periods getting squeezed in between. And now a 6th! post in a row that is Napoleonic.

This is my first "conversion", not a proper one, just a headswap, it's my first headswap.
The figures are Perry Artillerie a cheval from their Egypt range, I murdered them using a guillotine(they are French after all) And then glued on some heads from the Perry Plastic hussar box I had left over from the Chasseur a cheval thing. 
The collars did get a little screwy, but it looks ok.
The Perry figures are superb, I did criticize the Perry infantry in bicornes, but these are fantastic, lots of detail, lots of folds to for me to work with. And easy to paint(not a given with Perry)

The gun is Brigade games 8pdr which I had a lot of trouble with, it has no woodgrain, and so I had big problems making it look good(not that I'm very good with guns with woodgrain)
On the other hand, I'm quite happy with the tube, I got some painting tips from someone of TMP, it was a nice little technique and while I didn't get it quite right, it is one of the better tubes I've painted,.

 I like these, the French really knew how to do uniforms!
 The base is a little too small, but my next bigger base is way to big.
Dark blue and red are one of the best combos in color there is.


  1. I started watching your painting from the old La Bricole forum from years ago and just have to say you have turned into a great painter. These are marvellous.

  2. Ah the old Bricole forum. Good times. Thanks, there is still plenty of things to get much better at. I notice the quality of my paint job is directly proportional to the style of the figure.

  3. I find that a favour a certain style of figure to get my best results. I like the Front Rank, Calpe, Dixon style. I find more character in these ranges. Also it's more of a pleasure painting these, rather than a chore.
