Sunday, May 27, 2018


So I had done 2 of three bases on this unit, I started on the last 6, got the first layer of yellow and red on it, and lost inspiration, instead, I wanted to do ACW, but I had only a few random ACW figures left. So once I did that, I thought I might as well try and finish this one.
And I did, but the last 6 didn't turn out that well because of lack of inspiration.

But this was one of two battalions for my project clean up, trying to finish a few GNW units.

This is one of my experimental units, I tried a new yellow homemade triad(with mixed resaults)
 I also tried to show a different tactical option for the use of pike, while the standard was in the center, they could also spread them out along the entire battalion, so this is what  I tried with this one.


  1. Beautiful unit, I especialy like your work on the yellow shades...

  2. Cool looking unit. Love the yellow coats

  3. Thanks guys. Mabye the yellow turned out better for then first thought.

  4. Really very exciting color! looks fantastic. You are master in painting!

  5. Well, that's very kind of you to say.
