Wednesday, June 20, 2018


I plan on doing a photoshoot of my Anti-Swedish force once the battalion I'm working on now, is finished. But I realized I lacked lots and lots of brigadiers.

So between doing some Russian infantry, I'm going Generals.
First up is a Russian infantry brigadier.

I did him in the "classic" Green with red facings, since my Saxon brigadiers will be in red coats and my Danish in white/light grey, I didn't want my Russian to look Danish or Saxon(since Russians could be seen in White or red coats, I might do one in blue, to lead my second Russian infantry brigade.

 The figure is Warfare Rusian general
 Doing early 18th century generals, lets me do one black tack.
I find it extremely boring that black tack became standard for every nation and unit.
So letting me do some red leather tack is nice.