Monday, September 3, 2018


So I've expanded this unit by six, I did it mostly to get a new blog post as it was so silent for well over a month, I cracked this out in two days, one day to do the horses and one to do the riders. 

I have of late decided to do a different painting technique, the last few years I've been block painting, doing the first layer on all things then the second on all things etc etc.
But it's a fast way to do things, but it often leads to some sloppy work, like when I do the last few details I just want to finish up, meaning hair, and all black things often just get done quick and dirty. 

But I've now tried out finishing each thing before moving on to others. So I finish all layers on the coat and do the buttons etc, then I move on to trousers, then straps etc. This means I can concentrate on each part. I feel it does get better, especially the faces, sitting down and doing all 6 layers on the face in one go, makes it easier to work on them and see what you're doing.  But it does go slower. not a lot slower, maybe an extra hour on 6 figures, so I spend 7 hours on 6 figures instead of 6 hours. 

 Figures are Warfare Swedish cavalry and warfare flags
 The new cav is great, I like the broader heftier swords, but the biggest improvement is in the command, they are really, really good! The trumpeter is fantastic, and the officers that just have to show his cuirass!
 They really do look like they are in the process of chopping down some feeling Saxons/Russians/Danes.