Monday, September 16, 2019


So my output this year has been way too low, for the first months I did almost nothing on the blog.
But with my Italian War project, I have now gotten 5 posts out of that project so far.

I am kinda annoyed that I haven't done anything on my GNW project since January.

Anyway here is the first 18 Landsknecht. I hope the unit will grow and grow until it reaches 96 strong.

 I wanted some action in my unit, so first two ranks have levelled pikes/halberds. 
 To protect the pikes the bases are long, but only 4.5mm wide, giving a nice compact look.
I have the figures for the next 18, these have the pikes at an angle. 


  1. Wow, splendid sunny picturee...and wonderful miniatures!

  2. Thanks Phil,
    I got the flu, so my plan for finishing a unit of man at arms this week is looking bleak.

  3. A great looking unit. Looking forward to seeing the next instalment. Get well soon :-)

  4. I know they're not that sensible but I really like the levelled pike look and these look great!
    Best Iain

  5. Thanks, Iain, I like the look myself.
