Sunday, June 21, 2020

I finished a brigade!

Ok, so I cheated a little, first, it's 10mm, so doesn't really count, second, it's only 1 regiment strong.
And not even a big regiment, just two battalions. The 108th fought as it's own small brigade in the 1805-1807 period, in Friant's 2nd division is Davout's 3rd corps. At Austerlitz, the whole brigade was a giant 800 men! At that battle, it had support from two small legere companies. Totalling 70 men. 
I'll give them an extra skirmish base. To add to their 2 skirmish bases, once I get some skirmish figures.
The brigadier is Étienne Heudelet de Bierre at Austerlitz and Louis Joseph Grandeau at Auerstedt and Eylau. 

 The miniatures are Lancer, and very nice they are.

In other news, I'm working on setting up an outside table, I got a plywood board that's 4x8 feet. I need to do some carpentering, but maybe a nice big photoshoot on Tuesday.