Thursday, November 5, 2020

Sers'/Diericke Fusiliers

 So I finally finished this battalion, like most of my units, its been in the making for months. I don't remember when I started on it, it might have been last year...

My Prussian force is now a whopping 3 battalions and a few squadrons of cavalry. 

But overall my SYW project is now 318 infantry and 96 cavalry. This means my SYW is closing in on my GNW project in scale, and might soon become my main project in 28mm, it's only 8 infantry behind my GNW project, but about half of the cavalry, but more than twice the artillery. 

My infantry, Fredrick only has his brother's regiment, a fusilier regiment and a grenadier battalion to beat the Austrians with. 

I'll now try and finish some other half-finished units, like my Austrian cuirassier unit. And two French cavalry units. I have enough unpainted infantry to get up to 408. And enough unpainted cavalry to get up to almost 200. It's all Minden/fife&drum and Crann Tara.