Tuesday, January 26, 2021

Mission: Finish the damn brigades! Part 3.

Project get it done damnit has met its 3rd and 4th goal.

The Saxon Cavalry brigades are done, I felt it wouldn't be as impressive with just 1 cavalry brigade, so I did the brigaders for both at the same time. Two average-sized brigades of 4 BLB squadrons each. 

Brigade 1(left) Brigader Ludwig von Watzdorf 


2 Squadrons of 


Raw, bullet, Armor

2 points.

2 Squadrons of


Drilled, Bullet, Armor

3 points

Brigade 2(right)Now known as the black brigade as both regiments has black facings) Brigader Henrich Von Baden

2 Squadrons of 


Drilled, Bullet, Armor

3 points

2 Squadrons of

Goltz Dragoons

Raw, Dragoons, flintlock

2 points.

Given the performance of the Saxon cavalry against the swedes, I might have been too generous in their quality 

The next brigade will take a little longer to do, as I've decided to finish the Danish battalion of Fynske. I have 1 base done from long ago, so I'll finish the battalion before pictures are taken.

1 comment:

  1. Nice work on the Saxon cavalry. As you say performance wasn't that great against the Swedes. Not helped by the heavy losses at Klissow
