Thursday, April 15, 2021

Actually did something.

 Well, this is the first proper battalion-sized unit I've done since late January when I finished a Danish GNW battalion. Since then I've done this and that, painted some here, painted some there, every actually finishing anything, I got quite far on some Italian war gendarmes, but got annoyed when I didn't get the decals to work. So I stopped that, I worked on some Napoleonic Austrian cavalry, did a tiny bit on some SYW British grenadiers. Did 6 Russian napoleonic infanry. 

But this is the first unit I've finished in that time, In the last two weeks, I've been busy selling half of my miniatures, my reenactment stuff and my antique resolver to afford a super-secret thing that I will post about on the blog, as I did manage to scrape the money to get it. So it's in transit from the UK to Norway now. But I hate selling stuff, both the shipping, the danger of stuff breaking, and also I felt the thing I wanted could be sold at any moment so I felt I had a time limit to get stuff sold. But I did manage it, I sold for about £2000 in two weeks time. And I still have about £370 about to be sold this week. That will cover the VAT and then some. 

It's sort of miniature related but kinda not, more related to the history of some unit I have painted up. 

Anyway, what did I finish?

The 45th Foot, the second battalion in my first brigade of the 3rd division at Salamanca. 
I still have 1 more battalion and a crap load of skirmishers to finish this brigade. It's also the smallest of the 3 brigades in the division. 

I'm roughly working at 1:20 scale, this battalion is 20, it should be 22. But I'm rounding up/down

The next battalion will also be 20, the next brigade on the other hand will be strange. 
4 battalions, 1 at 42 figures, 1 at 20 and two at 15...
I also did the first base of my KGL hussars, but then an order of Avanpost arrived and well I had to paint those. so here is a WIP. 

I really enjoyed painting these, for some reason I hated painting the perry plastic French, I don't know why, they are very good figures, but I can't stand painting them, for some reason they take forever to paint. These 6 I managed to do in a day of semi intense painting, while 6 Perry takes me two days. Anyway, I'll continue with these and wait with more KGL hussars, I'm almost out of the blue I'm using for both of these, and I want to finish these more than the KGL hussars, so these get priority. If I still have enough blue left, I'll finish the hussars. 


  1. Hang in there, they look great! I know what you mean about some figures being harder to paint than others. I don't know why either. Won't help you with this project, but anything sculpted by Bob Murch at Pulp miniatures I find very fast and easy.

    1. Yeah, I don't know why either. The new Perry plastic French are very good, just takes forever to paint.

  2. Cracking job - and pesentation - on the 45th Foot, they look superb!

  3. Wonderful painting Gunfreak. I have some Avanpost TYW figures and they are fantastic miniatures.

    1. I have some of those myself. But I can't work with the resin, I break 1/3rd putting them together and another 1/3 painting them. Might get more now that they are releasing them in metal.
