Thursday, May 6, 2021

Still working towards 500

 So I'm back on the SYW waggon, working my way towards 500, I'm now at around 452 if I only include actually finished units. If I add the various half-finished I'm at 480. I had planned on finishing all my French cav, creating a nice big brigade of 60 cav. But I've yet again misplaced stuff. So I can only finish 1 more half-finished regiment. So that will be the next I do. I then have to look for other ways to get to the 500 marks, but I have a feeling I'll do a detour or two before I get to 500. I have a new super-secret project going on(or more like super-secret reactivation of a project. ) As well as getting some more Napoleonic stuff done.

Anyway, the latest unit for my SYW project is the very very stylish and handsome Cuirassier du Roy. 

                                               The only French cavalry regiment with both front and backplate and 
                                                having them above the jacket,
    The similaraties with the Napoleinc cuirassiers is obvius. 

As with most French regiments of the SYW, this one only had two squadrons. So this one is done done.