Two posts in one month? You lucky bastards you!
Have you ever had one of those units that everything goes wrong with?
Well, this is one of those. it started with the reigns on the horses. Didn't like the way they ended up. Then you have all the little details that the Prussian cuirassiers have. I feel I have to try and paint them, yet my skill is far below what I need to be able to paint these details......
The end result is an untidy messy looking thing. I got half way through and did the next 4 horses. By this time my inspiration was gone, I probably used two weeks on painting those last 4 riders.... And they, and because I had problems concentrating on them, they became even messier and untidy...
Well, they are done, but since this regiment will get 4 squadrons I still have 8 more of them to paint, plus 8 more cuirassiers from another regiment.... I don't think it will go any better. Luckily an order from Minden is at the post office(they gone fucked up and yesterday when my wife picked up the package(and paid lots of VAT on them) She got the wrong package, and so instead of Minden miniatures I got some basing material.... But I'll go there today and fix it and pick it up this will let me complete two half done battalions(one Austrian and one Prussian) those I AM quite happy with(especially the Austrian one)
Anyway here are some pictures.
Dei ser ikkje so verst ut faktisk men eg skjoenner. For nokre aar sidan hadde eg dei same vanskar be nokre Minden hussarar.
ReplyDeleteVenleg helsing,
Lucky we are, beautiful they are!
ReplyDeleteThank you Heinz and Phil!
ReplyDeletePhil I think you are my most loyal reader, Thank you!
Vi har alla den där känslan av att allt går fel . Jag känner helt igen mig i att man förlorar koncentration och bara stoppar upp. Det är en av andledningarna till att mina Ebor fransmän inte blev helt färdiga. Så vill man vidare och göra något annat i stället. Jag tycker dessa är helt fina jag men det är bara den som målat som vet om de är som man vill ha det.
ReplyDeleteA real pleasure for me...