Not long after I finished my Prussian dragoons, I got the need to finally start on those Warfare miniature dragoons. They looked awesome and I've had them laying around for some time.
But just as I started on them, I got hooked on several PC games again. The games drained my precious fluids. And I lost my painting mojo. Add to that we suddenly got a small monsoon season. And I hate having finished figures and not being able to take pictures of them. Last few days have been very nice, but today will be the last day before several new days of rain. The ground hasn't had time to dry up yet...
So I trucked on and finished the first two squadrons, there is still one left to do.
I was surprised when looking at the pictures, Since I didn't have my mojo I often do half-assed jobs, But the figures look very nice on the pictures, the horses looked much better than I feared, It did help that it was light overcast. It's much easier to make the details come out when there isn't to much sun.
The look very nice, the new warfare dragoon horses are lovely.
There are 4 different horses, 3 of them got dragoon equipment instead of a second pistol. One got a knife, the second got a spade and the 3rd got an axe.
All 3 troopers also have an axe under their cartridge box.
The Colonel got red reigns to make him stand out.
The horses are lovely and small, I hope other companies start doing this too. Given that even during the Napoleonic wars, French Hussars and Chasseurs shouldn't be riding horses bigger than this.
I've now started work on my warfare Russian battalion, The first 6 are based now. I'm starting work on the pikemen today or tomorrow.
Splendid uniform and splendid job on these dragoons!