Saturday, August 24, 2019

More light greenstuff work.

I wanted some French infantry, so I ordered the French/Tudor dollies designed by Stuart Mulligan and sold by Steel Fist.

The dollies need the same arms as my Italian conversion, so either warlord landsknecht or perry mercenaries with greenstuff.
I also tried to do a hat. 

 And so the end result, 12 figure unit of French Arqebusers.
 They are quite easy to paint, few straps or lots of detail. 
My reactivated Italian Wars project now has 3 finished unit.


  1. They do look rather good, and the dedication to do conversions is laudable!

  2. Thanks, I'm slowly working on some men at arms, that require one in in a skirt, so I have to make is, still to early to see if I'm going to be successful.

  3. Nice work.

    Regards, James (olicanalad)
