Thursday, August 15, 2019

Some light greenstuff work.

I was moving into the undiscovered country, as I'm not a huge fan of TAG and TAG has more or less monopoly on the Italian wars(except for Landsknecht and gendarmes) You need to go to TAG to get Italians, French and Spanish. I might have to get the TAG Spanish. but I'll try and keep to others for most other things. So I wanted some Italian infantry, so how do I do that?

Well, First you need a box of Perry Mercenaries, then a box of warlord missle Landsknecht, and then some green stuff.

The result will look like this:

About half the figures just got warlord Landsknecht, the other half got the perry arms, but the perry arms are to plain. So they get some green stuff to puffy them up, get some slashes into them etc. Some just got puffy shoulders, others got full-length puffy arms. A couple of them also got slashed knees.  The heads are a mix of metal perry "Italian heads" and warlord Landsknecht heads.
I tried to stay away from the bearded Landsknecht heads as bearded Italians just seem wrong.

My plan is to use olicanalad home made rules, Hell brake loose.( check out his blog, I know of no other better place to get some italian war inspiration )  So that means the most standard way to represent missile troops is to have them in "skirmish" formation, that means 3 figures on 45x45mm bases.

So small 12 figure units, this is nice given the size of the big pike blocks that in theory might go past 100 figures.

 And here is the end result. 
Not perfect, but given I haven't played with green stuff before, I'm calling this a complete success. 
This is basicly what I wanted to make, and except that the sculpted arms could be better, it ended up for better than I expected. As I was fully prepared this would fail spectacularly. 

None of this is my ide, I've stolen this from various people, but most of all Stuart Mulligan, who has a fantastic blog. 
I have also bought the dollies he made out of steel fist figures, which are now sold from steel fist. 
So soonish I hope to have some French infantry too.

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