Finished the last Chasseurs, Now at this scale you have to cheat, the facing colors on the front of the chest would probebly not be seeable this scale but it looks to good to not have it there.

This is the finished brigade, well almost, to be a complete brigade in the lasalle rules it would also need a battery, but that can be added later.

When I use them for other rules that use 1:20 scale it would be a brigade of 960.

Thats done, right now I'm finishing up a russian battery and russian greandiers.
Very nice figs, layout, etc. A fine cavalry brigade. Very convincing. I think the scaled down house adds to the effect even if unwittingly. Like you immediately know the dimensions of what your'e looking at. There's no, is that a company or squadron or maybe 1:1.
Really nice looking units, well done!
Really nice work. Great stuff.
Thanks guys
Excellent looking cavalry
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