Monday, October 12, 2015

John Churchill 1st Duke of Marlborough, Prince of Mindelheim

So it's tight goings these days. I havn't bough figures in some two months(probebly a record for me) And I've even run out of most of my critical painting supplies. I have no primer(mabye enough to prime 2? more figures) I also have no more PVA glue, no flock and next to no sand. I'm running low on some much used colors(like my main red. my pazer grey, reble gray ect.) So my painting has ground to a holt, I don't like painting figures and not having them based. I did two landsknecht,(those two left from last year) just to test paint them.  And yesterday I painted Johnny C.

I spent quite a while on this guy, He has 6 shades of flesh. 4 of red, two gold, 3 black,  3 on the hair. 3 on the steel, 3 on the blue sash. 3 on the horse leather. I quite like this guy. I do love the FR faces. And part of the reason I wanted to paint him, was to test my new "formula" on flesh on an easy to paint face. The formula is mostly Foundry expert flesh, Which is 6 colors, but I don't use the D, as I feel  the C and D shades are almost the same. So instead I use coat d'arms rat brown as the darkest color, then  excpert flesh A, B, C, E and F. I also tried to make my cold brighter, I feel it looks so dark, and dosn't stand out as much as I would like(if any of you can recomend a good BRIGHT gold, tell me about it) I use coat d'arm brigt gold, but dosn't feel it's very bright...
 I'm happy with the guy I think his hair, face and coat all good quite nice.
 Not sure about the horsie tho...

1 comment:

Phil said...

Prince of Mindelheim is looking fantastic, great job!