Friday, January 29, 2021

Mission: Finish the damn brigades! Part 4.

Project get it done damnit has met its 5th goal.

I finished the Danish brigade, while looking for a Danish brigader I knew I had I found another one. Don't remember painting him. And his base is bigger than the other brigader bases I've done. No idea what I planed to do with him. But it saved me the trouble of painting a Danish brigadier, so I finished my battalion of Fynske, completing that regiment, as I had done another battalion of the regiment with Ebor figures long ago.

This brings my Danish infantry up to 5 battalions. 

The brigade of Christopher Bjelke

Livgarden til Fods
Veteran, Elite, Flintlock
All Musket
3 points

Grenadier kropset
Drilled, Elite, Flintlock
All Musket
2 Points

1st Battalion Fynske
Drilled, Flintlock
All Musket
1.5 Points

2nd Battalion Fynske
Drilled, Flintlock
All Musket
1.5 Points.

Prinds Georg
Drilled, Flintlock
All Musket
1.5 Points.

I'm on the last straight before the goal now, I will use the Danish brigadier I knew I had and after a lot of looking found. For my last Anti-Swedish Brigade. This only leaves 2 or 3 Swedish brigaders and the CiC, and a single arm for a poor Swedish cavalry trooper who has lost his.