So I was stupid enough to look at some pictrues of legio heroica crusader range.
So had to buy and paint some. I honestly don't know if I would ever actualy game it, the few battles I've read about seems kinda boring. Very few set piece battles ect. But I do like the look of them standing here. So I had to paint them.
24 English crusader sergants. as you see both shields and banner is hand painted by my very unsteady hands.
Colorful people, The figures are fantastic, and I do not do them justice, I've looked at some of the work people do with legio heroica, and it's art. I have tried to imitate their style, but I failed.
So not sure if I want to game this period, but I did like painting it so far. But then again, I don't get to game the periods I do want to game. so in the end, does it really mater?