Showing posts with label hanoverian. Show all posts
Showing posts with label hanoverian. Show all posts

Tuesday, June 15, 2021

Anglo-Hanoverian Brigade.

 So the first brigade is "done" for my SYW project.
A sort of but not quite correct brigade for Minden.

The brigader Major-General Hon. John Waldgrave lead a brigade of 12th, 23rd and 27th foot, as well as two battalions of the Hanoverian Guard, and 9 6pdr guns. It was a big powerful force, Around 4000 men and 9 guns. 

I have the correct number of battalions, even the correct 3:2 British to Hanoverians. But except for the 6pdr and 12th foot, the units are wrong. My M.J. Hon. John Waldgrave leads the 12th foot, a British grenadier battalion, the 87th foot, and the Hanoverian Oberg and Estorff battalions. And a 6pdr gun.

I do plan on doing the historic brigade, but as I do random regiments, it will take some time. And given brigades and forces changed from battle to battle, this is a perfectly ok, what if brigade for none historic battles. I do plan on doing 3 6pdrs to represent the 9 guns, this battery did a lot of damage to both the French cavalry and infantry. 

From right to left, 6pdr gun, 12th foot, grenadier battalion, 87th foot, 

Second line, right to left, Oberg and Estorff

My next target is finishing my Minden allied cavalry brigade, I got part of the 3rd dragoon guards primed. Like the french cavalry brigade, it will be 36 strong. 

Sunday, October 28, 2018

Not dead,

Neither am I an ex Gunfreak, I have not ceased to be etc.

We're redoing our kitchen(our kitchen from 1956 so a lot of work)  So after almost two months, we're now simply waiting for the electrician, and can't do much more before that.

But you're not here for kitchen updates, you're here for miniatures. And I have something for you.

I dug out a half-finished Hanoverian battalion, I started on this a long time ago, in a galaxy.....
I ordered the flags for the battalion almost 2 years ago, so I probably started on it about two years ago. I did the first 12 and it stopped, I've finally finished the last 12, it's, of course, a pain in the ass to restart a unit after almost two years. I realized I used a different musket color on the first 12, and I have no idea what color I used for the natural leather. But I think the most important stuff like the red and yellow is the same.

So I present to you Oberg/Chevallerie battalion:

 The Hanoverians are a colorful bunch.
The Figures are of course Minden, and flags are of course Maverick. I think the old and new match quite well. Last time His Britannic Majesty's Army got reinforcements was back in April 2017, so it was about time. But soon the French will get some reinforcements too. Luckily the 12th foot will follow the French.

The Force so far, 2 battalions, 3 units of cavalry, a medium and a heavy gun.

I did a counting, all my SYW forces,(French, Prussian, Austrian, British, Hanoverian, and Hessian,) Now total 298. 

Tuesday, November 15, 2016

Lots to show off

Well it's nice when  a project  starts to get unde rway proper, I finished  Miltitz it was a pain  to do,  I  was one of the special  units where I got half as a wedding  present. but it all fucked up. First I couldn't find my horse tone grey  which is my go to shade when doing white, so I had to  find another way to get close to the white I  did on  the first 4 figures I  painted months ago. But it got worse I suddenly realised I used the wrong green! the green ended up  being  to light. So very uninspired and  took a long time to finish, in the end it look okish.

I then started work in my  Hanoverian heavy battery.  The  Allies need  6  heavy batteries.
The problem here was the blue on the gunners, apparently, they have light blue,  but not sky blue.
Medium  and light  blue  are hard colors. I have plenty of  various  dark blues.  and I got 2 triads for sky/bavarian blue.  But finding  a mid or light  blue is hard. In the end, I'm semi-happy with  the result. The mid  colour and highlight were too close. and doesn't show up  very well

And while I'm quite happy with  the brick  red carriage, the tube isn't very well painted.

And now comes the good stuff. I have no finished the first division   in   my Minden project,  only 15  more divisions left. Oh, and of course it's the smallest in the entire OOB by  a good margin.
A single Hanoverian  infantry  brigade and a single British light battery.

Anhalt +1  Painted in  his  regimental  uniform.

I must say, 7YW British artillerists must have some of the most awesome  uniforms ever!
Dark blue,  red facings and lots of yellow lace.  The blue is British  Royal blue   triad from  foundry, with  a second  highlight of Foundry Union blue  C.   

So That's what I  got to show you today. But one last  thing.  I'm  trying  to sell some Perry Napoleonic Russians I've painted.  I've tried to sell them several  times  now, Both as single units and as a package deal.  So  take  a look  at my ebay

The price is £100 pr unit, the total is £330  I did this because shipping would be well over £30  PER hussar unit   and £27 for the infantry. So by selling  all three togeather for £330 the shipping will be £10 pr unit.  This will  not  cover the shipping, but will help  a  little.

Saturday, October 22, 2016

Brunck/Estorff Regiment

 So with just 3 danish horses and troopers left to finisg my 3 squadron regiment, I had "early 18th centryed out"  I'll get back to these 3 soon! But I also had a unit of  Minden Hanoverians  almost finished I  had  finished 12 of  them, and was almost done with 6 more, when back in July I  got bored. I've now finished it.

Since July I have painted 125 WSS/GNW, I still have 74 more that I can paint.

Right  now  I'll  paint 12 more SYW, then finish those 3 danes. and then back  to SYW!

This is regiment Brunck/Estorff  part  of the  Hannoverian  army, took part in many of the big battles of the SYW.  I choose them simply for the colourfullness. Yellowish breaches, and light green vests and facings.

They  will both  be Estorff  battalion but also for my Might & Reason repersent  the brigade in Anhalt's Division.

Just  to make them  even more colourfull, lots of nice flowers!

Tuesday, June 21, 2016

Hanoverian Garde du Corps

So another unit done for my Minden project. This time the Hanoverian Garde du corps representing the Hanoverian cavalery under Sackville.

This might be the "division" I finish first. As it's only 3 cav units total. The two othes will be painted as Royal Horse Guards(The Blues) representing the heavy guard cav. And the Scots Greys representing the dragoons.

The miniatures are from Minden, They aren't an exact match, as the regular heavy Hanoverian cav don't have collars, While the Garde du Corps does have them. I decided not to simply paint them. As I've said my free hand is at minus 20 skill. Also the shoulder knots are missing again as the regular heavy cav don't have them.

Even knowing that I decided to paint them as Gard du corps, Because there is so much white in this project. Some 15 white french and Saxon infantry, Some 4 french cav, Hessian cav and two more Hanoverian cav. So pleny of more white to do. So any excuse not to paint white, and I'll take it.

 Flag is Maverick.

Friday, April 15, 2011

My very best unit so EVAH!

Ok, granted it's a small unit, only 16, but it's till FAR superiour to anything I've done before. Not sure why. Might be that front rank simply got alot of easy to paint detail, and superious faces. I don't know. After painting the first 7 I was DEADLY afraid that I couldn't paint the last 9 with the propper faces, but they looked the same as the first, even a little better. and it helps so much with better faces. Realy I'm fantasticly happy with these figures, the only thing I wanted better was stronger yellow lace. I'm so happy with these I would have put them up for a painting competion (and loose) but I wouldn't be afraid to put them up for it. It will be intersting so see if I can get simular resualt with the all "white/gray" French.

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Scheither Infantry my very best work to date

So I've started on my 7yw project, again I did the standard mistake by painting the unit I wanted to pant the most, first. This is Scheither, a hanoverian unit, since this is for Might and reason, this unit of Scheither of 16 when it's done will represent a brigade, so basicly what I do, is I choose one battalion or regiment from the brigade and let it represent the whoel brigade. Anyway these are Front Rank and just wonderfull, sooo much detail. you have to paint it all. Theese are are my most compex painting to date, the faces(that don't look that good in the pics) look VERY Good inperson. they are very complex for mye stuff, with a mix of diffrent shades of flesh and some ink, they got eyes. I've painted all the lace, the holes in the leather belts got ink to show up better. the jackets got 3 levels of red, the green to levels of green ect. Also the green/red combo looks fantastic.

I'm very happy with them, my best work at any scale.