Showing posts with label modern. Show all posts
Showing posts with label modern. Show all posts

Tuesday, August 19, 2014

More AOR2 SEALs and gun

So another two figures this time back in PC but with out the fancy NVGs and silencers.

Not much to say, still not 100% happy with the AOR1 and 2 cammo.
But I am happy with the cammo paint on the guns.

And this is my airsoft gun as it looks now, she got a paint job, a SMR rail, EoTECH, PEQ15, grip. Still needs to add a few more things to it. 

Sunday, August 10, 2014

Greenside SEALs

 WOW, 3 posts in 2 days, I'm back baby!
Last post was fast attack SEALs, in plate carriers and helmets, for urban fast missions, these are more long range Greenside, the figures are Force recon marines from Eureka, but I painted them as SEALs in the same AOR2 uniform as the first figs.
The rigs and backpacks are in Olive Drab.

 I used diffrent colors on the guns, some have lighters shades more green, others are more tan.

 This guy stands out, he has AOR2 trousers but AOR1 jacket. I got the idea from watching Lone survivor were some of the SEALs had a mix of dersert and woodland cammo.
 The pack also comes with another fig, but he is in marine cap, and so does not fit in.

Really out of practiced

 Not having painted much for month and a half is not good.
Here are some SEALs in the AOR2(my attempt at AOR2) the AOR2 is alot like MARPATm but with out the brown spots ect. These are the SEAL TEAM 6 figs, with fancy panorama NVGs. Based on the SEALs that killed Bin Ladin. I'm not satesfied with the uniform,
 The figures apear to be useing Crye uniforms, which are the ones SEALs use, the uniform comes in two styles AOR2 as seen here, the "woodland" version, and the AOR1, the desert version, and the one the real SEALs used on that mission.

Sunday, September 22, 2013

Rainbow Six

So in the late 90s and early 2000s, there was a genra of pc games called tactical shooters, the mostly dealt with CQC/CQB with some more open stuff, The premiss was simple, a game that is realistic, unforgiving and required more then just a fast trigger finger, really there is just two main series in this genra.
Rainbow six, the big one, 3 great games with lots of expantion packs, and SWAT, but only swat 3 and 4. i loved swat 3 liked swat 4 but was slightly disapointed. there was also two off games in this genra, one was the orignal Ghost recon, it beeing uniqe in the genra with having bigger maps, and more "military" feel over the more spec ops/civilan feel of Rainbow six and SWAT. The last one out was The Regiment, it was a decent game, low budget but still quite good, it put you in the boot of SAS "recreating" som of SAS big high scale stuff(like a reamginaing of the 80s iranian embasy crises, that first showed the word the SAS) Sadly this genera is now dead, Rainbow six, sold out and became a spectical shooter/hollywood shooter, the whole game was hide hehind some stuff poke your head out and shoot stuff, totaly unrealistic and well someone is going to hell for what they did to the rainbow six name.

Same happend to Ghost recon, after one game and 3 good expantion packs, the game whent into the 3rd person shooter with lots of sci fi gadets. it wasn't the worst game made, but taking the name ghost recon, was a slapp in the face as it had very little to do with the orginal, it was the company ubisoft that did this to both Ghost recon and rainbow six. swat just died, after swat 4 and an expantion pack, no more games have been made in that series. many hope it will be revied and at if a new game is made it will be true to it's name, Quite fankly i would rather swat stay dead then see it go the same way as rainbow six and ghost recon, the regiment never got any fruther then the one game, i don't think it sold very well, and infact very few people even know about the game, i had a very hard time even getting a hold of the damn game, today it's impossible to get a copy of it.

So since 2006 there has been no propper tactical fps games, you do have sim games like arma, but that is a military simulator not the same as a tactial fps. but one man and a small company of people have now made the first tactical fps since 2006, it's called TakeDown Red Saber, it is rather low bugdet, made with just a little over $200k pluss unknown number of dollars from the publisher, with a team of just over 10 people, they have made a labor of love. the game came out on friday, and well it was broken, something had happend, and it's very hard to get a game togeather, the game is mostly a COOP game, so 6 players join forces to take out the enemy controlled by the computer, Missions are stuff like hostage rescue on a captured cargo ship, bomb defusal in a biolab ect. the game is brutal, a single shot can kill you, so no running around shooting from the hip, complex modeling of damage and recoil, diffent types of ammo, like FMJ, JHP, AP, and special sub sonic ammo for use with silencers. anyway the game is broken, but i still have had a few very good games with friends, the game (when it works) is fantastic, just hold off on buying it untill a few paches are out.

Anyway so over to the figures, in honor of the resurection of this genra, I thought i'd make some Apropraite figures. these are actualy US special forces, but I painted them as urban spec ops, the idea beeing the same as Rainbow six, they are multinational UN backed spec ops, Since they are under un controll, they can go into delicate operations, were national forces can't, it will look better to send theise guys, then say SAS or Delta force or Spetz naz, they have mostly their own countires best in mind.

So i tried to give them small UN patches.
 I did them in dark blue BDUs, with black vests, helmets ect. I actualy used my french blue triad for the blue(napoleonic french) I like the color, and it's a dark blue, so it works great. the black is well black with highlights of panzer grey and greatcoat grey. the metal parts of the guns are mostly black with some spots of gun metal gray to show wear and tear.

Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Something Uniqe?

 I think so, This is Norwegian Special Forces.
The figures are actualy Force Recon figures from Eureka, but today most NATO SOF look more or less the same, use the same gear ect. Granted Norway used C8, which has a uniqe barrle, and now we use HK 416, Which looks slightly diffrent, but close enough, the only thing that stand out as plane wrong is the M203, Norway have as far as I know never used them, didn't use them on C8 and don't use them on 416, so really this is just force recon with Norwegian cammo

 The figures are very nice, nice faces, lots of detail, Good poses. The cammo looks good, but the light green is just slightly off, I went through all my light greens and this was the closest I got.
 I'm gonna use these for Norwegian Tears of the Sun game, Basicly Norwegian Commdoes saving Norwegian citizens in some generic african country.
 I did the bases very green, becaue they are forest/jungle type stuff, I'm gonna buy the same figures again, and paint them in Norwegian desert cammo, to use them as norwegian special forces in Afganistan ect.
 This is infact the very first time I ever have painted Norwegians, granted I have painted vikings, but they could just as well be swedes or danes, I have never done any norwegians soldiers from the 17-19th centuary.

Sunday, June 24, 2012

More Marines

 So did 4 more marines, I must say I like the marpat effect, at some distance of when lookig at small photoes, the look green yet not quite just green.
 Then when you look up close you get the brown and black to, I'm very satesfied with these the cammo does take some time, as there are sevral layers, and some times you get to much brown or black and have to go over them again, balansing out the colors.
 It's really quite cool, but hard, since you have to stop and take notes during the way, and you never know exactly when you got it, untill you got it. So it's not like painting regular uniforms, were you paint dark blue, lighter blue and lighter blue still, here you might go back and forth sevral times untill you get the right look.

 I got sevral more marines, in total I have 16 marines and 12 russians. One of the hardest things is to make generic bases, with horse and musket units you can never go wrong with bases with lots of grass, but with modern, modern figures that might be in forests, fields, or urban, it would be a pain in the ass to have 2 sets of figures, well 3, 1 woodland, 1 desert, 1 urban.

So thats just something I have to live with.

Saturday, June 23, 2012

Marine DM

Hello my childrn, it's been almost two weeks since last I posted, no I'm not dead or if I am dead I havn't noticed.

The problem is I havn't realy painted anything, I got into one of my moods, were I just had to paint more modern, but I didn't have any modern, I had orderd some, but it took longer then expected to get them, so I havn't painted much. I have played lots of computer games tho. I'm gonna make a post about one of them later.

So this is my US Marine Designated Markmen.
He is empress miniature which is odd since americans never had an empress. The miniature is superb, I got a bunch of american infantry, that is going to be a few squads of marines, I also got a few red star russians, one anoying thing is that almost all of the americans and russians needed glueing, arms, heads and weapons ect. I use white would glue, it's strong and works on metal, but take a good 18-24 hours to really harden, that means a good 24 hour were I just have to wait for the glue to harden. Lukely there were a few figures not needing glueing, and this is one of them
 American DMs usualy use M14s, tho 417s have also started to be used, some are stuck with M16s, normaly a M16 is perfectaly good DM weapon, in that it has a range of some 400+ meters, far byond most ranges seen in urban combat. But the 5.56 dosn't pack the punch of the 7.62, the 7.62 can actualy punch through some brick walls, and it always works. Some times the 5.56 dosn't work, if they bullet dosn't get enough speed, the bullet dosn't react like it should. It needs the speed to kill. While the 7.62 is fire and forget, dosn't mater what length the barrel the gun has, you hit, they go down.

This DM has a M14, which is one of my favorite guns of all time, sure not that good at full auto. But even an old M14 can kill a man at 600 meters, a DM version or Sniper Version(like M21 and M25) can take out a man at 800 meters. Really you need a Bolt action like M40 to see a more acurrate 7.62 weapon.

Again thanks to 14th Brooklyn for the techinqe, it works just as well on marpat as ACU.
I did the M14 with green syntetic stock, the vest in brown/tan.

Sunday, May 27, 2012

Lots of pictures

 Time to kill some Taliban, but first you need some taliban, Taliban as you know is an endagerd species, we destroyed they natural habitat of Afganistan, and now only a small criticaly endangerd population lives in the border mountains bewteen Pakistand and Afganistan. Help save this species, it got lovely plumage.
 Here is another sub species, pineing for the fjords, becasue as you know, the Taliban is actualy from the west coast of Norway.
 These were kinda fun to paint, I really like to paint the AK, it's a fun gun to paint.

And here are the americans agian.