Showing posts with label WOTR. Show all posts
Showing posts with label WOTR. Show all posts

Thursday, October 23, 2014

Blood soaked tin cans

 Did more on my medieval project, almost done with the next 6, but took a break from them. And started on the command for some WOTR stuff, I found 3 spures from an old box of WOTR infantry. So I wanted to test out my new metal paints.  I tried to replicate the blood stains done by Suetonius Paullinus, but didn't get it as good as his stuff. The armor is quite a few colors, first blackend barrel A, then ink black, then blackend barrel B, then Gunmetal A, and B with highlights of sliver.

 This guy is bloody, he got a wound to the groin(one of the weak spots on the armor. His poleaxe is bloody as hell, on all pints, the stabby thing on the topp the stabby thing on the bottom, the sharp thing on the front and the blunt thing on the back. I think he looks tired, tired from blood loss and tired from separating heads of enemies from their bodies.

With 3 spures I can not make a unit, But I can do command and half a unit of bills.

Sunday, September 9, 2012

Unhistoric Historic's

 So after playing a game called war of the roses, I've wanted to do a WOTR skirmish game, the problem is that while the game has lots of veriaty, you have crossbows, longbows, bastard sword, clamore, bills, pole axes, axes, spears ect. In reality you really only 3 weapons, longbows, pole axes and bills, Not only that, but chaimail was now obsilite, so eith they had padded jacks or plate armor or a mix of the two.

All this means a rather boring game and kinda boring to look at.
So that means we need to spice things up, so we take out the spice weasel and BAM! I'm gonna add some figures from the HYW, so I get more mail clad soldiers and soldiers with swords and shields, that way I get a medium armord type soldier, I'll add crowbowmen, that aperantly was not much used in the real WOTR.

But that still leaves one problem, most of the men at arms/knights were simple blackend plate, and that makes it hard to keep track of, imagine a big skirmish male, with a dozen or more figures, and both side have the same weapons and armor.
 How are you gonna keep track of with figure is on which side.
With regular wargaming units are based and can have flags and other ways of making them stand out from the other side, but not in skirmish gaming. So I've decided to go even further from reality, by useing colored amor. This is totaly unhistoric, I know of no colored armor in medieval Europe, the Japanese had them ofcourse and some of the ancient armies did color their leather, linen and bronze armor.
But other then blackening their armor, Europeans didn't color them.
 I've decided to go with brick red armor for the Yorkist and green for Lancaserians. I give the armors their main color, then put some metal color in the sharp edged to give them a warn look, so the colors might have gotten chipped of or worn of. And then I dunk them in diffrent brown inks to get the dark earthly and dirty color.
So in the end, the only thing left from the real WOTR is that the sides are Lancastrian and York, and it takes place in England. The rest is now not historic or realistic.

Sunday, April 29, 2012

My best figures EVAH(again)

So togather with my Men at arms, I also got the box of perry plastic WOTR infantry.
I started to paint them today, had a great time doing it, with out knowing it, actualy not realisising it before I saw the pictures, these have become my best work so far.

I don't know how I did it, but some how I got this really nice silky effect on the colors, some how I got this really cool looking effect.

As you see theise are Lancasterian, the green white is awesome.

I've decided to do really small units, my ancients are all 20-40, while these will be just 12.
I did this for two reasons. 1 price, even with plastics, this is a low budget project, not one of my high piority projects, atleast not yet. 2 so I can make many forces fast, So lets say Henry the VII which these figures are, might only be like 40 figures, Same with other Lancasterian divisions.

So yes, I'm VERY happy with these.