Showing posts with label AWI. Show all posts
Showing posts with label AWI. Show all posts

Saturday, May 15, 2021

Send in the guards

Guilford court house here we go again. 
Attempt nr. 20 or so at doing this battle, this was in fact my second ever project. Never got far, I've tried to do this battle in 6mm, 10mm, 28mm(several times) and 40mm.
I'm giving it a go!
The last time I did AWI was back in 2014 so 7 years now! I have evolved a lot as a painter since then. Though I still find the tight sitting legwear hard to do well. 
I'm sticking mostly with the OOB from British Grenadier scenario book. With the only planned modifications being halving the 71st from 24 to 12, as the scenario book apparently used the strength for both battalions and not just the one present at the battle. I'm also giving the British 2 6pdrs and 1 3pdr, instead of 2 3pdrs. This is based on the OOB in Long, Obstinate and Bloody book, which is a fantastic piece of history writing. 
I'm sticking to the 1:20 scale in the scenario book and default for the rules. It means the British will only be about 130 figures strong. So slightly bigger than a Napoleonic brigade. Or even smaller in some cases. But hopefully, that will means I actually get things done. I ordered most of what I need for the Brtish, only missing the artillery, legion infantry and cavalry, the 71st and generals. But I have miniatures for both guard battalions, 23rd, 33rd, von Bose, hessian jaegers and British light infantry, as well as the flags for all those plus the 71st. I also ordered enough continental plastic to do the two Maryland regiments, again with some flags. So I really have no obstacles to do a lot on this project except myself. and me seeing "squirrel"

I had bought a box of perry British infantry randomly when I ordered something completely different. Which was nice as I could start on the project while waiting for the main order to arrive. First up was the 1st battalion of guards.

Tiny 12 figure battalion.

I'm glueing together figures for the 33rd now. 

Thursday, May 1, 2014

5th part 2

 So did another base, looks good, but some of the faces turned out bad, so don't look that great upclose.
Also did two riflemen, well one, started on who, but the foundry yellow sucks as much as any other yellow, the yellow shade did not cover black at allo, I had hoped that foundry yellow was better, but no, and the two lighter shades did not really do much, so the figure is lost. But I did do a purple one. I only have one proper purple. So I had to mix black and purple for the shade, and white and purple for the highlight. Looks ok, but again the face turned out shit.

On a sad, not my horse tone grey color has vanished, looked for it all day, thats my darkest shade when I paint while unifom, so until I find it, or get another one(sevral weeks) I can't do any more figures with lots of white(like british ect.)

Wednesday, April 30, 2014

5th Connecticut

 Well two posts in one day, aren't you a lucky bunch! Got my order from perrys, they have really sped up their delivry, they have always been fast to ship, but now it comes here much faster, less then one week for the last 3 orders I have placed! So cudos to them! This is the 5th Connecticut in 1778, or atleast thats what the perry phamplet says, even on their painted examples on their site this unit shows up. I have not found them like this on any other online sources, but who am I to question demi gods like the perrys.

I've decided to paint colorfull regiments, so not alot of the "famous" blue, white and red. I had to do theise because how often during the non post WW2 periods get to use Olive drab. The perry phamplet comes with lots of diffrent regiments, many of them quite striking.
 So I like this unit, will stand out on the table! This is the same blue as used on the GNW Swedes, might be a little light for the real jacket, but close enough.

I like the OD I got, mabye a little to light, the colors are Olive drab, Olive and camouflage green.
Red lapeles and facings, with white tails.

Brits and Sweds

 So happy day yesterday, I got some £90 worth of foundry paints, some just a refill of paints I have but some new to. The biggest new additions are deep blue, yellow and buff leather. I did finish my 3rd base of british, which was kinda boring as I did not get to use any of my new colors. (tho I cheated and used the buff leather) Now I can't finish the unit as I'm waiting for the command spure. So unless I get my perry order today, I'll take a day or two of painting.

But I had to try out my new colors, by pure chance I had almost finished 3 horses for my GNW swedes. Just needed to fnished the leather works on them, I had also primed the riders, so It was easy to give them a go, I tried my new deep blue, I think it looks right for the sweds, will also use it on continetnal infantry.
It has lots of leather work to, so got to use my buff leather, and even bravarian blue on the lapels.

I had orded the excpert flesh to, so while I could not use it on my british as the faces had to look the same as the other bases.I did use it on the sweds, and it worked great, untill I tried to make 3 day beards on the sweds, I fucked up and had to repaint the lower half of all 3 faces. I did save them somewhat, but they do not look as good as before.

Sunday, April 27, 2014


  Another base is done! This base got a sersjant. Pointing at some rebeles.

Also used the trick Jim gave me, by painting the lace black before white.

Friday, April 25, 2014

Back to 18th

 I've cralled back to the 18th century. I've been gone a while, visited all kinds of stuff, WW2 mostly, but also medievals, Napoleonics and ACW.

This time it's AWI again, I still have half a box of plastic british, I have orderd another single spure of command so I can get a whole new unit, also orderd a box of the new continentals.

This is a yellow faced regiment, not sure which one of them this will be yet. I've very happy with them, tho I feel they look much worse on the pictures then in real life. I did try my hand at eyes again, I normaly stay clear of the eyes, but they are so clarly sculpted on the faces so felt I had to give it ago.

I feel I got the right red and white on theise. The red is 4 shades, so is the white.
I really only have two problems with my paint job  on theise, one the white lace on the facings/lapels bearly show. Second the white brim on  the hats feel sloppy, even if I tryed to get them right sevral times.
 I also tried another mix of the stock, While I like the dark musket stock brown from foundry it is very dark, I wanted smore more light color. so I used difrent valljeo mid browns. Not super happy with the resualt but ok.

Thursday, December 26, 2013

New Years Resolution

So the pictures should hint at it, guessed it yet? I'll give you a second to get it....
Hm du hum, trallala, dutidu.... Got it yet?

In 2014 I'll only do 18th century stuff, The 3 main will be, WSS, GNW and 7YW, I With AWI as a second priority, if I get super desperate, I'll do some French Revloutinary stuff, probebly Hornblower skirmish stuff. Now the chances of me sticking to this resolution is oh 7.58935% With Ancients probebly beeing the biggest tempress! Sluty sluty ancients dressing in those short tunics showing so much leg!

First up is probebly 7YW, waiting for minden figures to arrive and a book on the prussian battles. But it's only 32 figures, so I hope I can paint them all, before I order more figures.
 Here's my current 18th century forces, 3 units of AWI, a big french WSS cannon possision, 2 finished wss cav, one unfinsihed, one wss austrian cuirassier unit, 2 finished WSS french infantry, one unfinished spanish, 1 base of GNW russian infantry, 1 russian GNW gun, 3 bases of GNW sweeds, and just of the line finished today, GNW gun possision.
 I still havn't gotten the stuff I need to finish this big cannon posssion.

 The russian gun
 And the new Swedish gun.

 Just a small possision, some gabions

So wish me luck in this endevor.

Sunday, December 15, 2013

5th foot

 This is the 5th Regiment of foot, I have generaly kept to the southern theater, infact, I think almost all off my british AWI units have been either guard units, the 33rd or 23rd(which I think I have painted some 57 billion times) I have no speical battle in mind, the 5th have been is most of the major battles in the northen theater, So anythnig from Long Island to monmouth. Monmouth is kinda cool as it was like the only "propper" battle, were the americans actualy had quite a few regular units, infact more regulars then militia. So they would let me paint sevral continental units and not just lots of militia.
 So again a 16 man unit, I see I forgot to paint the skin on the drum. i still got like 16 more infantry but no more command, but they sell the command spure loose, so it's easy to get another unit done.

But that will not happen right away, as I'm out of AWI mood, but atleast I have all finished units, no half painted ones. Next up will be Minden miniatures 7 years war. two small units are on the way, one prussian and one austrian.

like AWI, 7YW is a period I have wanted to do sevral times but never get it off the table,

Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Continentals and clusterfuck

 So I've gone through my metal perrys, they are spread all over the place, I know I got like 40 hessain musketters(but no command)  but can't find them. I do have a few american riflemen. So i did a small order(very small by my strandards) from perry, one box of british infantry and 3 packs of continentals.
The continetnals are painted up in the standard blue coat and red facings, mostly white vest and breachers, but some browns in there to. Drummer in the official reverse color jacket, the officer got a nice yellow sash, not standard but looks good on his red vest,(a bit of a dandy mabye?)

I like these continetnals, i like the blue i shades I used, the white is the standard 4 color mix, some of the faces are a bit ugly as my darkest shade of flesh had thinkend, and so got a bit lumpy, making the faces lumpy.

 I think it's a good looking unit, rich not to dark blue, looks great with the bright red.

 In the standard fireing line, When doing other horse and musket periods like Napoleonics I like them all in marching possion, but given that often the americans would be hunkering behind a fence, or standing mostly still waiting for the red juggernaught fiering possions look good.
 Then we come to the clusterfuck, my black primer decided to fuck me over, probebly I killed his mother or something, but instead of normal coat, it became hard brittle rough coat, had the figures been metal the primer would just fall off, but since these are plastic, it got stuck. the rough texture, made it hard to paint, the faces got fucked, making some of them look like they got a face full of canister, I got a few ok faces, and put them in front.
 Also I did the pose in attack pose, but the right arm is just over the cartridge belt strap, and most of the facing on the coat, making it hard to paint those things. and I hate painting figures that are not whole, so painting the body then gluing on figures I will not do.
 In the end, they look ok, will probebly look fine once the colors and officers are on there to. Have glued the other half of the unit togeather and will start to paint them tomorrow.