Showing posts with label Table. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Table. Show all posts

Tuesday, June 23, 2020

Glory to the great northern war.

Well, 5 years after I started I've collected all my GNW painted forces and put them on the table. 
No game, as I'm waiting for appropriate dice, and I need more generals. 

I put my flayed teddybear on top of my old not very nice terrain tiles. The tiles weren't properly taken care of, so the flocking has disappeared on most of them. But the road parts are still working and so are the rivers. I cut the fur where it was needed, Some places the terrain tiles were exchanged for styrofoam so I could put trees into them. the trees are woodland scenics. I drilled holes in the bottom and glued two cut-up wire spears into the holes. So I just shove them through the mat into the styrofoam. I think the rivers need to be dazzled up a little, so I'll pour some woodland scenics water on them at a later date. 

 With some cutting my 5x7 feet teddy mat, it covered my 4x8 table.
 The Swedish being Swedish has decided to charge 8 enemy squadrons, 4 battalions and a cannon with 10 squadrons of cavalry.
 The Saxons have hidden themself behind a river crossing. 3 battalions are supported by two squadrons of Goltz dragoons and a big 16pdr cannon.
 Grendiers and cannon ready for the Swedes. 
Danish will have the "honour" of dealing with most of the Swedish infantry. Unlike the Saxons with their river and the russians with their stonewall. The Danes only have some woods.

 Russians have backup of both Saxon and Danish cavalry. It's not easy standing up to 3000+ Swedish cavalry. 

 The Swedish look ready to Gå på!

 The Danish have put their Livgarden til fods and grenadier korpset in their front line. Hoping their best battalions will stand up to the Swedish onslaught. 
Johann Matthias von der Schulenburg looking confidant. 

 To take on the Saxons hiding behind their river. You got the elites. The Drabants, followed by the liv garden til hest, and the liv dragonerna as reserves. Liv dragonerne is by har the most powerful unit on the table. With 2 squadrons, being veteran, elite blade and Swedish they are worth 7 points in BLB3.
For reference, the danish 2nd Sjælandske is 50% larger and still only has 6 points.  7 points is also more than all 4 Russian battalions combined. But if the 3 guard cavalry units can't handle the Saxons, they might get support from the Björnborg battalion, which was placed there as a lynchpin between the right flank cavalry and the centre infantry. 

 The Standards blowing in the wind, drums and cronets blowing...

It's time to GÅ PÅ!

I plan on running this game, once my dice have come and I get like at least 10 generals done.(and Maybe a squadron of Russian dragoons)

Monday, June 22, 2020

I have a table! 

It's been over 7 years since the last table shoot. 
Sadly it rained(when it wasn't supposed to) So I had to pack down everything, And so the photos weren't the way I wanted them. I also had to edit out a rather fugly pink tent the wife had put up in the garden to paint some garden furniture. 

 This is put up with one side being Anglo-Hanoverian and Prussian vs French and Austrian.

French behind a stone fence, looking down the Anglo-Allied cavalry.

 The table is sparse with vegetation, I need to get more of my trees up and running. But even so, just having a few hills made it hard to depoly the troops 

 The Austrian defending the top of a hill, with French cavalry in reserve. I found 3 french squadrons didn't have their bases finished. So I had to photoshop the bases.
 Austrian Croats, don't what they do best, holding woods.
 The Prussians

 The Anglo-Hanoverians.

 The camera was not helpful and so several pictures were totally out of focus, so the Austrian cavalry didn't even get one picture. But they are there. 

Saturday, June 1, 2013


 So finished another japanese house, and a few more japanese. And have been working on redoing my table.

Officer, mortarmen, radio operator and a sleeping cow(no not dead, no animals were harmed in making of this blog)
 Riflemen with carbine
 Japanese Type 99 LMG

 Full on battle

Sunday, May 29, 2011

Tri Anual Table shots, and playing around with photoshop

So after letting my table been overgrown with everything from two dozen bluray's primed and unprimed figures from half a dozen periods and scales. I've finnaly spent an hours fixing it up.

So I also played around if photoshop, to make some muzzle flashes and tracers.

SS in the trench.

MG42 has opened fire with a big hollywood muzzle flash

Tracers and bullet hits, this was kinda a miss, dosn't look that good.

Some better Tracers effects

Airborne taking cover.

Some Shots of my £300 trench system

It even has a command room, with maps and radio.

It's quite extencive, quite alot of feet, 4 gun platforms for artillery, some staight sections, two corners, and 2 ends.

Table shot, with the big germans secret weapon, a 40 meter HUGE speaker, to transmit the brown note.

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

General units and first tableshots of 2011

Yes it's this time of year again, photo shoot time, this is the first time I did it with my new camera

But first up the generals, I've been making some general bases, I decided to do infantry generals on 40x40 bases with atleast two figures, but cavalry generals on 25x30 bases singely, as good cav generals don't get boged down with staff they grab the nearest regiment and lead them in a desperate charge to save the day.

Since this is for the lasalle rules I had to paint Lasalle, so here he is, he will lead the light cav brigade

THen we have the other two russian infantry generals, one french divisional general and one russian cav general.

Well that was the boring closeups on to the table shots.

The russians try and cross a brigade, beeing met by 3 battalions of legere

Jegers and Legere looking at eachother over the river.

Grenadiers that have not been part of any tableshots before.

French cav general leading his troops
Lasalle infornt of his hussars and chasseurs
French line