Showing posts with label ECW. Show all posts
Showing posts with label ECW. Show all posts

Tuesday, March 25, 2014

More ECW

 So I did 4 more figures, some command and 2 "more armored" pikemen. This base will be 12 figures, and then 16 musketeers on the wings, so 28 total. I decided to give the command purple sashes and trims, becasue why not.

I like the look of these, but still the faces are hard to do.

Oh and I have changed the comment thing, so you should no longer have to use the Enigma to post a comment, instead I'll have to authorise all comments, but it should make you less anoyed. So give it a try So I can see if I have done it right. And you no longer get that code thingy.

Wednesday, March 19, 2014

Long time no see

 So it's me bithday! In half an hour I'm going out with my friends for beer and whisky!
Yesterday I got two sets of stake knives and forks from my girlfriend and a gift card to buy stake with.
So yesterday I ate 700g of stake, half a liter of pepper sauce and 3 big baked potatoes! oh and easter marsipan/chocolate. I also finished my very first ECW figures, They are very nice figures, empress miniatures! But the faces are hard to paint, very flat, alsmost like the renessance paintings.

I did them in the mid blue with white facings that apears to be normal for the period. It was fun to try and get this mid blue, I normaly paint very dark blue or light/bravarien/sky/cornflower.

The figures are much slimmer then most, it seems that some of the newer ranges to for theise more anatomicaly correct. styles, with Minden beeing one, and fife and drums. Normaly we have only had 2 styles the super chunky of Front rank, then the less but still not that realstic of Perry ect. But these new ones look good. except the faces are very flat and hard to paint.

The plates are hard are supose to be blackend, yet they did get scraped up alot. So I did them in gunmetal, then inked it in black, then highlihtes with mixes of metals, some more gunmetal with out the ink, and chainmail metal.