Showing posts with label terrein. Show all posts
Showing posts with label terrein. Show all posts

Sunday, June 27, 2021

NVA has more than doubled.

 So last time I did Nam, I did 7 NVA  soldiers. I was missing the machine gunners. So I stopped. I got them a long while ago. But I was busy with other stuff. But now I've taken them out again. 
I did the machine gunner and loader for the 1st squad and 4 from the next squad. Then I finished the last 5 for the second squad. While also building and doing a Sarissa house and making some bamboo terrain pieces. 

So now I have two full NVA squads. I'm gonna do some marines. and then do the platoon command for the NVA and hopefully by that time I have the last NVA figures in the post to finish the last squad and so the platoon. 

I didn't bother with any photoshop background on these, I learned it's a pain in the ass to try and edit the bamboo.
The Sarissa house got some MIG earth tone wash/effects from my Tank painting stuff. I didn't want to lose the details eched into the MDF.

NVA mostly painted with AK US ww2 infantry set and AK US Vietnam set. with some Andrea colours for flesh etc.

The bamboo is the standard type you find on Ebay, painted and washed. the base is styrofoam on a board, painted, inked, and flocked. 

The roof is a dead teddy bear and the fur has been treated with watered-down glue and various inks and colours, roof is the main part I'm not happy with.

Monday, January 26, 2015

WW1 project continued

So not that much has happend, I got my test batch of Great war minies, and trying to figure out the color. I also got my miliput and practesing on my sandbags. Got some armypainter barbwire.

All added to my "test tile" I''ve leared a few things, 1, sandbags to big, not to cut them in half, they look like 50kg bags next to 28mm figures. 2 barbwire loops were to small, dosn't look right next to 28mm soldiers. 3 to green uniforms, even after a desperat addage of ink they look more like WW1 US marines then Tommies. I got a few new paints today, and will try again.
I also learned not to push the "sandbags" to hard, here they look like they are empty of sand, deflated balloons.

These sandbags looks better, but barbedwire loops to small

Friday, December 7, 2012

Cannons to the left of them

 Cannons to the right of them.
Granted not 12pdrs but huge honking space guns.
I've started up on the firestorm armada stuff. I've been working on the Soyrilian collective.

I like purple so I gave them a purple theme.
 The big ship the capital one, is more elaborate, the idea is that the cruisers and frigates are a dime a dozen. so they get simple gun metal stuff, while the capital ships that are fewer and more important, get gold and silver color.
 So there is simple color, gun metal, then ink armor over the metal, then metal highlights again. then purple and finally a yellow stripe.
 While the bigger capital gets gold/bronze then silver, finally purple and white stripe.
 And there is the terrains and aquan,
 The aquan get their turquoise, water theme.
 While the terrains get their more human millitary color, more grey drab stuff.
 I've decided to divide the terrain fleets into legions, each legion gets a diffrent theme, this one has blue as you can see, the other might have green or red ect. A legion can be combined into a proper fleet.
 I bought all these ships because I thought they looked cool, turned out all these 3 races are actualy in the same alliance  So I need AT LEAST as many ships from the other alliance.
 I'm gonna run out of colors soon, sea grey for terrains, purple for the sorylians, and geen/turquoise for the aquan. So I need to fin other colors for the other races to make each unique. 

Saturday, July 7, 2012

Du du du du dudu du du

 Du du du du dudu du du du, duuu duuu ect,
 So some capital ships are here, a aquan battle ship and terrain battleship, while the aquan was rather quick to paint, the tarrain tko A LONG time, probebly jsut as long as 8 28mm figures, the aquan ships is just like their othwers
 The terrain battleship on other hand have lots of details, you have 36 side cannons, 18 on each side, then you have 8 turrets, each demanding some detail, The big turret guns, first got gun metal, then magic metal, then gold, and finnaly silver. So it does take some time. The slightly small guns, get gun metal, magic metal and gold. While the smallest get only gun metal. The front guns get gunmetal, with trim of magic metal and gold on the tip.
 The colors besides the guns, is a mix of green grey, sea grey, grey, and blue

This last picture is just me playing around with photoshop, I havn't used it for months and have forgotten all the little I knew.

Friday, July 6, 2012


 First some cudoes to Spartan Games, I orderd my ships on Monday, They were sent on Tuesday, and today DHL called me up and delived the package, I didn't even know it had been sent with DHL, as I had free shipping, and expected regular snail mail.
 So I got quite a few ships, as well as the rule book. I got about 12 frigates, 4 cruisers and 2 battleships pr. side. So far I've painted 3 frigates and 2 cruisers from each side. One side is Terrein, the other is Aquan , this are actualy acording to the rule book allies, but they look so diffrent they make fine enemies.
 The terrain ships are painted mainly in green gray, which looks good for human based ships. Kinda looks like 20th centuary naval ships. To the right, some terrein frigates.
 I did the aquan in aquamarine/turqouise The weapon systems are all red, I pretend they are like beam crystals, so you can see they have plenty of beams, but the main beam is the front, The silver/metal is what I imagien new plates that replaced combat damage, and have not gotten the paint jet.
 I like the color, it's colorfull and look alien.

 A aquan frigate, light and slim
 The buisness end of the aquan cruiser

 The terreins, do have some colorfull blue trimmings, to break up the boring green gray.
 I also painted some mid grey on the bigger ships, and metal on the gun turrets.
 So These ships are not that big, all of them are less then 8cm long, the ships get bigger, with the terrain battleship beeing almost 18cm long.

Sunday, July 3, 2011

Some 6mm

So another unit finished, and a 4th almost done, starting work on the 5th tonight.

Say hallow to the 23rd regiment of foot, right now I'm just kinda making all my favorite regiments, I'm sure when I've made enough units I can start to put them in their propper divisions, but for now, my division is a kinda fantasy division. I have now lost count of how many times I've painted the 23rd, in 6mm I've painted the unit atleast 4 times now. in sevral periods.

At this distance they actualy look quite good.

Over view of what I got so far, with Angel Barracks terrain.

The 92nd and 52nd regiment of foot.

The 6th (heavy) dragoons

This is a big 36 figure regiment with 6 bases.