Showing posts with label 6mm. Show all posts
Showing posts with label 6mm. Show all posts

Sunday, September 29, 2013

Hellenic 6mm

So after waiting and waiting i got my succesor 6mm from baccus, took like 3 weeks to get them, I was planing on nuking most of the UK as punishment if i didn't get them soon, but just as i was activating the countdown to blow up Great Britian, except Scottland, so just Wales, Northern Ireland and England(like scotch to much to blow up Scottland) Also kinda feel bad about blowing up northen ireland, as it would been that it would be rather radioactive the next few hundred years or so, and so lots of the regular Irish would have to move away from the border. and they are after all inocent.

But the figures came and many millions of people were saved. and most of all i got the figures.

I got almost 300 phalangites, 200 thoropero, 45 companion cav, 6 elephants and some generals.
I was not sure who big units were gonna be untill had them infront of me. In the end I went with 128 pikemen, 36 cav, not sure about the thoropereo yet, not sure if i should go with 3 or 4 deep line. 

So did the phalangites over a couple of days, i did them very basic, white armor and tunic(can't tell were one starts and the other ends) then flesh, then broze, then pikes. so no cool stuff, it was kinda proof of concept.
I needed to see how a finished unit looked, if it was the right size, just getting to know the figures, aslo just getting used to painting 6mm again.

I have enough figures for another unit, that will be more complex, whie shields with designs on them, tunic color diffrent then the armor. collord helmet ect.
The good thing about these are they are so generic, they could be used for almost any hellenic army from Phillp II to the end of Ptolmy dynasti. When the hellenic world ended. 

I did the companion cav today, and did them much more detailed.
Bronze chest armor, white tunic, flesh, sandles, scabard, bronze helmet with red tufft, 3 diffrent colors on the horses, leather gear on the horses, and 3 diffrent colors on the cloaks.

 So generic phalangites, 128 figures on 4 bases
 Companion cav, again quite detailed.

 36 figures and 6 bases.

Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Generic ACW rebs, and a list

So the unit is done a small 18 figure unit.
I actualy think this unit looks better then my last russians, the russians ofcourse are much more complicated to paint, they simply have more stuff to paint, and you got the facings, pom poms, more straps ect. I probebly spent twice as long on 8 russians as I did on 9 rebs, the rebs are really quite easy when you got the right colors, 80% of the time, goes to the uniform, as both trousers and jacket needs 3 layers and you kinda have to concentrate when you do that. The rest is sevral smaller jobs that are kinda boring to do.

I based then single line for Fire and fury.
So over to the list, or lists.
The following list is my projects, First list is major projects, second is secondary projects and the third list is possible projects. Now this is just active projects, not any of the 200 dead or hibernating projects.
Major Projects.
1. 28mm Napoleonics This is basicly any thing after 1812, so russians, prussians, french, and british.
2. 10mm ACW, this is a rather new project, but is now one of my main ones, problebly going take up much of my time.
3. 28mm Ancients, this is Republican romans, Carthageinaisn and succesor greeks. got a little bored with them, but I hope to get back soon, I still got quite few to do.
Secondary projects.
1. 28mm ACW, again new project, started becasue I had a box of perry plastic infantry, I've allready stop my self from spending money on this project twice, but I need to save up for the 10mm ACW project
2. 15mm Napoleonics, this was my major project for a long time, but has fallen out of favour for a long time now.
3. 28mm AWI again a long term project. just kinda started up again.
4. 28mm WSS, again a project I want to do, but kinda got bored.
5. 6mm Grand Amree
6. 28mm Vikings
And finnaly projects I want to do, but for time and money I don't know when and if I can do them.
1. 28mm Early napoleonics, French in Bicorne, with early russians, and hopefully early prussians if they ever get any of them in 28mm.
This would be a major project in cost and time, I would use Victrix metal russians. And probebly brigade games french, I would love to do this project. But neither Brigade games or victrix are cheap figures, both are about £1.1+ pr. figure if you buy them in bulk. The victrix are expenvice has hell unless you buy full battalions or even brigades. Same with brigade games. on the upside, both victrix and brigadegames use the same sculpter.
2. 15mm ACW those bluemoon look great, but this would be a total over the top luxury project, as I do the period in 10 and 28mm.

Sunday, July 17, 2011

wurttemberg and french

So I've continued my work on the french, with sutch big units, it does take some time to do each of them.

I did a french one and a Wurttemberg one, the french had some 70 figures while the wurttemberg had some 83.

One of the cool things of doing these bases is you can do lots of diffrent formations, and even breakdown of them, like the french I did, I did them like they had started to get castualties from artillery, and the ranks started to drift apart.

As you see the ranks are separate, mabye it was artillery fire or the terrain. And I did some skirmishes to.

And here is the Wurttemberg, I did them in a sort of standard formation, that most of my bases will have, namely two lines of 3 ranks, representing 2 battalions. one here is marching one is advancing/chargeing

So far the project numbers about 500+ figures

Also rumaging in my vast vast stockpile of 6mm, sevral thousand Baccus, adler and irregular spread all around my tiny apartment, and I found a corps worth of Poles, even artillery, I had totaly forgotten about them, they had hidden them self in my closet, preying on my poor russians, man do they hate russians.

Friday, July 15, 2011

Re Activation of Alder Borodino project

So I had a bunch of 6mm laying around, they were really for something other, but I decided to restart my alder borodino project, it's really my only grand tactical project and it's diffrent from all the other projects which are tactical.

Finished a nice base of Legere, this is from first corps first division first brigade, a 5 regiment brigade all from the same regiment the 13th legere, this is like the 12th time I've painted this regiment.

Since the bases are so big, you have to not think of them as bases but part of the table, So I planted a tree on the base, to give cover to the skirmishes.

I deployed the enitre Vuligture company as skirmishes, I did toy with the idea of having the whole unit in skirmish order, but it was just to much, the main body of the unit is in 3 deep line, and even in 6mm, 3 deep is VERY deep. looking like a block more then line. but it does give the MASSED feel. I do agree with some that say this is the best use of 6mm. I did try and do 1:20 scale 6mm thing for Republic to empire and it just didn't look ok, 24 figure battalions in 4 small bases, the figures get damaged, the bases tip over ect. 6mm need a big base, ofcourse you don't need a 3" square, I found that the 20x40mm bases I use for my lasalle 6mm with baccus works well to, but I don't feel any smaller bases work, the figures just loose it's effect.

So just what is my goal, I can't actualy play borodino, my table is way to small, I would need a 12x6 table. So my goal is a couple of corps on each side. Davouts corps was a small army, 5 divisions some 40 000 soldiers, add Ney's 3rd corps and par of the cav corps and you got a good 20-25 bases, I then want to do part of 1st western army under Barclay de Tolly, And ofcourse once you've made a base it can be anything, a french base is a french base, only swap the labels and you can do any battle from 1809-1814.

But just how many is 20-40 bases, well it's lets say avrage 80 figures for an infantry base, my legere only did about 60, but thats becasue half the base was taken up by just 10 skirmishes.

And 25-30 cav, thats atleast 4000 figures for both sides, thats alot, not as much as the 9000 the whole of borodino would take. 4000 is well it's 8 weeks of painting if I could have kept the same pace as I did with my British lasalle. But I'm not that mad, well I am that mad but not that kind of mad, ok I am that kind of mad, but I don't have 4000 figures, I got mabye enough infantry to do 2-3 more french bases, and 1 more russian.

And here are random photos of what I've got so far

Friday, July 8, 2011

It took a week

Started Last friday and finished the basing on the last units today.

6 64figure battalions, 2 36 figure cav regiments and to batteries.

6th dragoons and scots grays.

I normaly don't do special units, like old guards or any guards or stuff like that, I really had no planes on making scots gray but I needed heavy cav, and I had these laying around, so well it just happend.

My fantasy division, 23rd, 33rd, 42nd, 52nd, 88th and 92nd.

But here is the fly in the oyntment, I did not have enough artillery, I still need one more base on both the RA and RHA.

Here it is. "finished"