Showing posts with label selling. Show all posts
Showing posts with label selling. Show all posts

Tuesday, November 15, 2016

Lots to show off

Well it's nice when  a project  starts to get unde rway proper, I finished  Miltitz it was a pain  to do,  I  was one of the special  units where I got half as a wedding  present. but it all fucked up. First I couldn't find my horse tone grey  which is my go to shade when doing white, so I had to  find another way to get close to the white I  did on  the first 4 figures I  painted months ago. But it got worse I suddenly realised I used the wrong green! the green ended up  being  to light. So very uninspired and  took a long time to finish, in the end it look okish.

I then started work in my  Hanoverian heavy battery.  The  Allies need  6  heavy batteries.
The problem here was the blue on the gunners, apparently, they have light blue,  but not sky blue.
Medium  and light  blue  are hard colors. I have plenty of  various  dark blues.  and I got 2 triads for sky/bavarian blue.  But finding  a mid or light  blue is hard. In the end, I'm semi-happy with  the result. The mid  colour and highlight were too close. and doesn't show up  very well

And while I'm quite happy with  the brick  red carriage, the tube isn't very well painted.

And now comes the good stuff. I have no finished the first division   in   my Minden project,  only 15  more divisions left. Oh, and of course it's the smallest in the entire OOB by  a good margin.
A single Hanoverian  infantry  brigade and a single British light battery.

Anhalt +1  Painted in  his  regimental  uniform.

I must say, 7YW British artillerists must have some of the most awesome  uniforms ever!
Dark blue,  red facings and lots of yellow lace.  The blue is British  Royal blue   triad from  foundry, with  a second  highlight of Foundry Union blue  C.   

So That's what I  got to show you today. But one last  thing.  I'm  trying  to sell some Perry Napoleonic Russians I've painted.  I've tried to sell them several  times  now, Both as single units and as a package deal.  So  take  a look  at my ebay

The price is £100 pr unit, the total is £330  I did this because shipping would be well over £30  PER hussar unit   and £27 for the infantry. So by selling  all three togeather for £330 the shipping will be £10 pr unit.  This will  not  cover the shipping, but will help  a  little.

Sunday, September 25, 2011

Command base

So I did the command base, which was fun, since the musketeers are single pose, they all have the exact same fold in the uniform, so shading and highlighting gets tiresome, but now I had 3 new types of figures to shade and highlight, The officer was fun, tho I'm not completly satefied with the lacing on the border of the jacket. His face did turn out very well tho. The standard bares were ok, but nothing more, the drumme had some nice folds and stuff to shade and highlight so he was fun, and again I just made a fantacy drum, since I was to lazy to find the propper drum.

I've also decided that, yes I am gonna sell this unit.

Bascily I'm goona try and sell it, for a set price, If I don't sell it, I'll take that as a sign from ARONRA that I was ment to keep it.

Friday, September 23, 2011

God Damn It

Sorry for the strong langauge in the title but this is pissing me off.

I orderd 24 Prussian Musketeers, thinking I'll paint them up and sell them for a nice profit, I wasn't planing on getting rich, just that if I sell one unit on ebay I get enough cash to buy at least 3 more units for my self for my many many projects.

All was going swimmingly untill I was almost done with the unit, then I thought to my self, I can't sell this, I like it to much. so instead of having figures to sell I now have a new project.


This was totaly not in my planes. I bought FR 7YW figures simply becasue FR are the figures I can paint the best, and 7YW is not my all time favorite period, but I can paint it. It was totaly un expected that I would "fall in love" with my own work like this. So Now if I'm gonna paint some units I'm gonna have to paint a period I really don't care for AT ALL, one that I don't want to game, I have thought about Crusades, I can paint some generic sergant at arms, There is one advantage.

1. the units are smaller I paint 12 figures as units, ofcouse that mean I have to sell 2 units to get the price up to one other.

But sevral disadvantages.

1, I have to learn how to paint chainmale, and armor.
2. I THINK the market for crusades is alot smaller then any 18th centuary or Napoleonics, meaning it will be harder to sell the figures.
3. With smaller units, the price of shipping will be bigger meaning less money for me as I plan to offer free shipping. One way of countring this is to sell 2-3 units at the same time.
3. I think most 28mm Medieval figures are now more higher in price then FR, I choose front rank becuase they are fantastic figures and as cheap as 28mm metal goes for these days.
I havn't looked around but if I rember correctly most other 28mm are now more expencive. so agian less money for me.
4, the quality is probebly not on par with FR, another reason I choose FR is that I simply do my best work on them. I do not know how this is going to be with Medieval.

But enough swearing and bitching. Over to the figures.

These are probebly one of the oldest sculpts from FR, I'm guessing this becasue they are smaller, my WSS figures bearly fit on these bases, while these have plenty of room. Also the muskets are alot simpler, and THINNER!! But they are still superb figures, quite nice to see that FR started with good figures right of the bat, probebly why they have to many fans.

These are like most FR one pose, with my WSS i managed to give some varaiaty by adding some at the ready and standing figures with my marching.

I used Foundry "austrian White" triad on the waist coat and breechers. It's not totaly white, but looks the part, I did give some of the figures a very very tiny highlght of real white, but very little, The BIG cross belt was given foundry austrian white "light" and then a highlight of propper white.

The blue is Foundry French blue triad, it's probably to light for propper prussian, but I think it looks quite good.

I just can't bring my self to sell these, I'm painting up the next 18, and then I'm goona buy some austrians.

Saturday, September 17, 2011

Still got AWI figures for sale

I still got 3 units of british and hessain 40mm for sale, the price is 144 pr, unit or $432 for all 3, if you buy all 3 I'll pay for shipping

Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Selling WW2 trench system

Ok, just a short notice, I'm selling my grand maner ww2 trench system, it's beufitfully painted by them, it cost me £350 back when I never use it, it just takes up alot of space.

I'm selling it for £250 pluss shipping, this is a big thing, that weighs alot, so shipping is going to be expencive, be warned.

Take a look at it, just click on the WW2 tag on this blog and the first post will show the trench.

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

So I'm selling my 40mm AWI but I got lots of 28mm AWI, and infact I just got an package from perry with more.

So these are southern milita in shirt sleaves, I love these guys, and I recomended for anybody wanting to find the right mix of gray/white for shade and highlight, they got great shirts with deep folds to shade, these are mostly white, white shirts and breeches, with some gray breeches and brown and gray vests.

I really like the shade effect on both the white and the gray.

Also I got 18 finished 40mm ACW, if anybody want them the cost $108 pluss shipping. they are on top of the 40mm lables, so you can see if you like them, also I got some 70 un painted ones that I can paint up, at $6 a figure, so any number of figure between 12 and some 70 rebs can be painted for money, I also have some 20-30 Union to that can be painted if you want them, same price.

Sunday, August 14, 2011

Ok, sale so far

Ok, this is the deal so far.

All the Napoleoincs got sold fast and to one guy, I have to unbase them, which is a bitch and takes a long time, but they should be done by next week and ready so ship, beeing loose figures I hope to get the shipping cost down a little.

With the AWI it's a diffrent story, I know 800 would be ALOT for one, so I got a request for dividing the figures, I'm lazy guy so I wanted to just send them to one guy, but can't have everything.

So now all my painted Americans are sold, 4 units of painted americans.

This means I now have 2 british and one hessain left on the painted side, price for those are $432
Now that I have to devide my sale, the free unpainted figures are no longer free.

That means that I got 18 FR militia in hunting shirts, $45
I got one gun with crew americans from S&S $15
12 S&S milita $24
25 British infantry in roundabout and cut down hat, $45
30 FR american militia in fireing line. $75

FR are priced at $2.5 pr. figure, S&S are prices just under $2 pr figure.

Monday, August 8, 2011

I need your money


Ok, I got a big thing going on,(not miniature related) and I need LOTS OF CASH.

So I'm selling stuff.
I wanted to do this by ebay but this is expencive stuff so they won't let me with out becomming a reputuble seller.

So I'm doing it this way, I'll post this blog post on the TMP market place.

I got two lots, both are worth quite alot of money.

1. 40mm AWI I hate to sell this becasue I love them, but they are probebly the most valuble collection I got.

The lots is a mix of sash and saber, front rank and minature service center.
There is a total of 138 painted figures all based. I've put the price at $6 pr. figure, that might sound like a lot since I'm not a great painter or pro painter, but these look quite ok, and since the price on avrage is $3 for unpainted 40mm, I think $3 for a paint job is quite resonoble.

But at $6 thats still $828 to make it easy I've put the price at $800, now shipping is going to be a bitch, norwegian post is corrupt and evil and the shipping is going to be atleast $100
BUT because of that I'm sweeteing the deal, untop of the 138 painted figures, you get 60+ unpainted AWI 40mm figures.

The breakdown is as follows.

24 figuers of 23rd fusiliers FR
24 figures of 33rd regiment of foot S&S
24 figures of von bose MSC
18 figures of 1st maryland FR
24 figures of 5th viginia S&S
18 figures of militia in hunting shirts. FR
6 militia in civilian clothes. S&S

One cannon with crew S&S
5 riflemen S&S
13 Militia in hunting shirts FR
12 militia in civilian clothing S&S this is the other part of the 6 painted, I never finished the unit.
30! FR miltia in fireing line

That should make the price of shipping less of an evil.

As said the price is $800 pluss atleast 100 more in shipping.

For pictures just look at my AWI and 40mm tags in the blog. should be plenty to see there.

OK next.

I'm selling all my 28mm Napoleoincs bought from reenforcment by post, they take up alot of room and they don't fit with what I'm doing in Napoleoincs now anyway. Has nothing to do with the quality.

I payed just $2 a figure for these, but it's quite alot of figures. As follows.

4 BIG battalions of 40 figures of Austrians in shako Thats 160 austrians.
4 battalions of french, 3 32 figure and 1 40 figure 136 French, these are full dress 1809 style with black gaiters, these are damaged with sevral bayonets broken, I've fixed some of them with varried degrees of succsess,(this means discount for you the buyer)
3 Peninsula British battalions, 2 32 figures and 1 24 figures. 88 figures
2 battalions of prussian line infantry post 1813 uniforms, both 24 figures total 48

This is 432 28mm figures paited by the pro's at reenforcement by post, at $2 a pop thats $864
Because they are used(well not very used) and mostly becasue of damaged french I'm selling them for $500 pluss shipping, which is again going to be atleast $100

If you got lots of money give me a shout in the comments, and will sort things out, payment is done by paypal, first the price of the order, then I'll go down and see how much the shipping is going to be, then I'll go back and tell you the shipping price to.