Showing posts with label japanese. Show all posts
Showing posts with label japanese. Show all posts

Tuesday, April 1, 2014

The Pacific

 So did some more painting, five more plastic marines, and a 3 man M1917A1.

I did a few changes from the first 3, mostly the helmet cover got some diffrent colors I think look more like the real thing. I'm still slightly in love with the marine color I use now. And I really like the 2nd louie I did.

BAR Gunner,
 This is the second louie I was talking about
 One of the reasons I like him is that the carbine turned out so great. I think one of the biggest advantages of plastic WW2, is that the guns look, well like guns, in metal the guns are either so mangeld you kinda can see what type of gun it is, or it's so big an chunky, they look almost like space marine guns. But the plastic guns, are not only great looking but also more or less the right proportions.

 I also really like the "pointer" man, I think he has great highlights.

Ah but I got more for you today, I also cracked open the box of japanese.

I found a nice triad for them, Tan brown, vallejo japanese uniform and coat d arms japanese unifom.

I like the unifom, it's not super colofull, but the redleather against the brown yellow uniform, really does stand out.

These were fun to paint, but I felt they could have dropped that one pose were the figure is running so fast it and with his body so far forward it looks like he is tripping over a stone. Also the figure head with the "cliche" round glasses was also unessesary.

Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Japanese baby

This is what I got so far of my japanese, 8 riflemen, 2 LMGs, 1 HMG, 1 knee morter, and a sniper team.

I also got over 100 palm trees, they are a pain to base, but I got more then enough to create a jungle.
 Mortar, HMG
 close up LGMs
The whole lot.

Sunday, June 2, 2013

Japanese Snipers

 So I acutaly had a life today, was out with a friend in the nice weather. so I took it easy just painting two snipers. they were fun to paint, and fun to base.

A sniper takes aim,
 Daniel San

 Cammo to fit in

Saturday, June 1, 2013


 So finished another japanese house, and a few more japanese. And have been working on redoing my table.

Officer, mortarmen, radio operator and a sleeping cow(no not dead, no animals were harmed in making of this blog)
 Riflemen with carbine
 Japanese Type 99 LMG

 Full on battle

Thursday, May 30, 2013

First japanese

So this went badly, I have a color called japanese uniform, but it's not a good pigment, it yellow, so it does not cover very well and so I had to improvice, THEN when it was done I found "desert yellow" that is almost the same color(slightly less yellow hue) so I'll use that one on the rest. and since the shades are so diffrent, I've googled japanase uniform, and some are almost kaki, some are the yellow classic color, and some look like beige brown. I don't know if this is diffrent uniforms for diffrent periods of the war, or diffrent formations, or just random variations, like the allies had on their colors.

So this is what I got so far, a HMG, and 3 riflemen, as you see the colors have run and mixed, and it's all a jumble.
 I've also got some precut mdf houses, since I'm doing Okinawa, the arcitecture would be very japanese.
 A little scene I set up, some marines attacking the house
 BAR gunner reloading.

 Mortar Crew