Showing posts with label 40mm. Show all posts
Showing posts with label 40mm. Show all posts

Tuesday, February 11, 2020

Random officer

I planed on a big 40mm Sharp Practice project. But I found the Perry 40mm range very limited. And I don't like the Sash and Saber 40mm stuff.
I also found I can't really paint 40mm better than I paint 28mm, so I got a little discouraged. 

Anyway, I felt like painting a guy, a British lieutenant from the Royal Welch Fusiliers. 

 I'm happy with the coat, and facings, less with the face, and not happy with the white trousers at all. 
The blued and gild sword also wasn't fantastic.

Also someone requested bigger versions of the Croats from the last blogpost, so I'm throwing them along here at the bottom.

Saturday, August 3, 2013

Big Vikings

 So I orderd the SAGA rules, and as they are skirmish rules I have to do them in the true skrimish scale, 40mm.
So these are 40mm Sash and Saber vikings. I also got some archers command and some Saxons.
 The vikings all got spears, or swords with either padded jacket or mail.¨
There seem to be 5 poses in the package, and those are the ones shown here, but the shields, heads and weapons are loose, so you can make many uniqe figures, and ofcourse you can change the paint job.

The Mail is chain mail with ink wash armor, and ink wash brown. The other steel is gun metal with chian mail highlights.  The leasther is barbarian leather with light leather highlights. They look good, but was kinda disapointed at how they looked on the pictures, I also saw I for got to paint some metal buckles on one of those leather straps, which is just me beeing disracted. so have to do some tuchups when they are glued to their bases.

The figures are great, you do get more correct proprtions with 40mm, they do look more life like and real, but the cost, is hard to get around.

Friday, September 14, 2012

Command Base

 So the command base is done, a fiery redhead colonel with freckles. A drummer, standard barer and a private.
 Given a generic militia flag.
 This commander got some big balls, and he is trying his hardest to show them. Lets just hope some British light infantry man doesn't aim at his family jewels.
 I tried to give him freckles.

 12 down, 4 to go.

 This is gonna make a good fiering line, to bad they are gonna be militia and probebly will run as soon as they see a redcoat.

Thursday, September 13, 2012

Base 2

 Another base done, I'm trying to keep each figure somewhat unique, so those that are the same figure, I paint with different colors, I also try and keep them on separate bases.
 This is the ugly brother of the other guys that looks exactly the same except he is a blond, naturaly a blond man is much more attractive.
 Because we all know that Nordic good looks is the best good looks, except for swedes, they are all butt ugly.

 I'm trying not to go totaly overboard with the colors, but I have heard that they were pretty poncy back then, especaly the vets and stockings were often in bright colors.
 The figures are very animated, and looks great once you get a few of them.

Monday, September 10, 2012

The most attractive man on the battlefield

 This blond guy is so attractive, he even got a great but. He would have been the new Brad Pitt if he was born in 1988, but he was born in 1758, so he naturaly have 10 children from 12 different women.
 If you haven't guessed this is 40mm, figures, 40mm Front Rank AWI militia. These take up HUGE amount of base, while regular marching 40mm figures easly go 6 on 50x50mm, these huge mofos have so big bases, they need to be based 6 on 60x60mm.
 I really like these figures, granted by painting 40mm I'm cheating, each unit will only be 16 figures strong, because 40mm is damn expencive, so unless some beautiful older woman who have just gotten the inheritances from her dead husband wants to marry me and support my lead addiction, the units have to be limited to 16 figures. 
 I think these muskets are the best I've painted
 The don't have a lot of gear, a powder horn and a pouch.

 This will be a random southern militia unit.

Thursday, August 23, 2012

Enough Swedes already!

 I agree, so here are some British light infantry.
 4 Sash & Saber 40mm British light infantry, in their classic roundabout/shell jacket and floppy hats.
I took my time with them, the white trousers got 5 layers, elven grey, austrian white1-3, and white.
The jackets got 4 layers, brick red, russet red, scarlet red, and angel red.
Musket got layers of wood, musket brown 1-3.
Metal got two layers, gun metal, chain mail.
Straps got austrian white C and wihte. cufs got union blue and union blue light.
I'm quite happy with these.
 On one side they are easy to paint, as they don't have alot of gear, just a waterbottle, breadbag and cartridge box, so not alot to do there, but on the other end, they uniform is very tight, so it's hard to get a good look, the tight jacket dosn't give you many folds to highlight easy, and the trousers are even worse. But atleast the faces are nice and easy to paint.
 So yes, this means my 40mm AWI project is back, I never managed to sell my British units, so I still got 2 british regiments and 1 hessain regiment.

But I have to start over with the Americans.
 I've decided both for table space and economy to use 16 figure units.

Sunday, February 12, 2012

Union v. 2.0

I think I've found the right blue now, it's still a little light, but going darker would mean loosing to much detail, infact some detail has allready been lost with this shade, but not to much.
Most importantly there is now a clear diffrence from jacket to trousers.

Tomorrow I'll go at the rebs, trying to find the right gray.

The detial on the folds on the arms are very nice I think,

One thing i've notised is just how natural the figures are, there is always the lure to figure makers to do lots and lots of folds, becasue folds are easy to get to look good, it's much harder blending shades when there are no folds, yet these figures do not have an excess of fold, only on the bent arms do we see any amount of folds, as it should be. And even those folds are no way excessive.

Saturday, February 11, 2012

Union 40mm v.1,5

So did another two figurs today, tried a diffrent take on the jackets, but again, to light.
It it slightly darker tho.

Look at this foureyes, what is a nerd doing with a gun, get that gun away from him before he takes revange on the jocks.

I must say, the faces have so much character, really they are just a joy to paint.

I'm gonna try another go at the blue later to try and get it just right.