Thursday, November 25, 2010

17th ligne

I did this version of the 17th a few months ago, in their all white with bicornes for the 1806-1807 period.

Now this is the same battalion only for the 1812 campaign.

They are supose to be for Borodino, so they are very canpaign dress, diffrent color trousers, one even got a legere blue trouser to. I also did just 24, this is 480 soldiers, which I think is about right when you think about the hardship of the Russian Campaign. I need a full 5 battalions for this single regiment, so I just have to start and paint.
I did quite an alborate paint job on these, basicly foundry 3 color paint system, the trousers got 3 colors, same for jackets, it worked realy well for the blue and brown, but less so for the white. As someone has pointed out the gray is hard to spot.

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