Anyway finished the base on the first 8, and painted another 8 today, while I can do 45 6mm easy in a day, probebly 90 if I realy tried with out it affecting the ressault, these take all day, I started at around 13:00, and finished 19:00, ofcourse that's with many breaks, but still I could paint 90 6mm alder in the same period with the same breaks. thats why I'm glad I orderd figs from RBP, so some time in the not to distant future, I'll have 7 fresh battalions of OG 2nd edition ready painted in the post.
I've also orderd flank company highlanders to finish this unit, and some portuguese also from victrix, I've never painted the portuguese, but they were good troops that preformed very well in the Peninsula, so I think it's about time I honor these troops.
Which Highland unit is that ?
They are supose to be the 42nd, atleast that was the tartan I tried to do
They fought off quadruple their number at Piscataway Town, NJ in 1777 and that ain't where people think Piscataway, NJ is. It's actually a combo of mainly Edison and Highland Park, high up on the banks of ye ole' Raritan. Founded1666. There's an Episcopal Church I drive by every day which served as a barracks for part of their battalion. I read an account where a wounded Scotish Sgt. made a NJ militiaman carry him back to the 42nd's lines during the battle. Very few people know that. They also got issued an extra ration of rum for their action that day. The question I have is, why weren't the Brits running supplies up the river to New Brunswick,NJ and why were they so dependent on the ground route?
I choose the 42nd becasue the kilt is the easiet one to paint, it's dark, så all the bad painting dosn't show up. 79th and 92nd has bright streaks across I would never have been able to do that.
I always tell people about Black Watch plaid and they never seem to have heard of it or know what it looks.
Nice job on the tartans.
Even my mom knows about the blackwatch pattern.
I showed some old figs to her were I've had painted it and tho she didn't know anything about the unit, she did know the tartan was called blackwatch
Your mom must not be a liberal feminist. My mom has built a philosophical obstacle course to understanding anything that has to do with men or understanding her son. There are certain things I don't bring up with her, but that won't keep her from trying :)
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